A Teen Fruit from Hope for Africa
From the messages I have been hearing I could resist no more, This is why now am ready for Baptism.
KampalaMay 17, 2024, 1:02 PM
Aisha Nalutaaya (13) lives in Najjeera village in Kampala Uganda and during the Hope for Africa Net event period she visited a herbal medical facility owned by one of the Church elders Kalule Deogratious accompanying her grandmother who was sick, where she made a decision to surrender her life to Christ. Having received several appeals to surrender to Jesus from Islam to Seventh Day Adventism, she made consistent delays and hesitations until this very evening when she couldn’t resist the call anymore.
The LORD had brought Hope Channel to her home where she constantly enjoyed the music and when Hope For Africa Net event came for two weeks with learning and Spirit filled appeals that finally won her heart to our Loving Saviour Jesus Christ.
"From the messages I have been hearing I could resist no more, This is why now am ready for Baptism." She said in the car driving to baptismal pool at Kireka.
Aisha now as we call her “A Teen Fruit of Hope” got baptised joyfully from Islam now a total Seventh Day Adventist whose hope now is Jesus Christ who has showed her the Hope not for only today but even for world to come.
Her grandmother said even though she's not been baptised, she'll go back and worship on Sabbath as Jesus’ custom was
All these friends who have been watching Hope For Africa Net Event through Hope Channel at the Herbal medical facility have something different now, “Instead of a Hopeless end" they have “an Endless Hope."