Duration: Your video pitch should be no longer than 2 minutes

Your video pitch is a key opportunity to showcase your business to a wider audience. Use this platform to make a compelling case for why your business should be part of the Innovation Corner competition.


  • Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction, including your name, the name of your business, and its location.

  • Business Description: Clearly and concisely explain your business or innovative idea. What is your product or service? What problem does it solve or what need does it fulfill?

  • Uniqueness: Highlight what sets your business apart from others. What is unique, innovative, or groundbreaking about your concept?

  • Target Audience: Identify your target audience or customer base. Who will benefit from your product or service?

  • Market Opportunity: Discuss the market opportunity for your business. Who is your competition, and what differentiates you from them?

  • Sustainability: Address the sustainability and eco-friendliness aspects of your business. How do you plan to minimize environmental impact?

  • Scalability: Explain the scalability potential of your business. How do you envision your business growing and expanding in the future?


  • Video Quality: Ensure that your video is of high quality, with clear visuals and audio.

  • Presentation: Dress professionally and speak confidently. Maintain eye contact with the camera.

  • Engagement: Keep your audience engaged throughout the pitch. Be passionate and enthusiastic about your business.

  • Background: Choose a clean and professional background that does not distract from your presentation.


  • Airing on TV: Please be aware that your video pitch may be featured on TV as part of the Innovation Corner competition on Hope Channel.

  • Expert Scrutiny: Your pitch will be scrutinized by experts and judges, so be sure to provide a well-prepared and compelling presentation.

  • 2-Minute Limit: Stick to the 2-minute time limit. Be concise and focused in your presentation.

  • Submission: Follow the specified submission guidelines to ensure your video pitch is properly received.

  • Originality: Ensure that your pitch accurately represents your business or innovation and is not misleading.